International Credit Mobility for IUG staff with 5 Portuguese Universities within JAMIES- E+

International Credit Mobility for IUG staff with 5  Portuguese Universities within JAMIES- E+

The External Relations Department at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) announces the availability of International Credit Mobility Opportunities for both IUG Administrative and Academic staff under JAMIES Project (Joint Academic MIddle East and South) which is funded by Erasmus Plus Programme – International Credit Mobility Action.

The JAMIES Project aims at supporting the modernisation and development of Higher Education Institutions in the Middle East and South countries – Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Tunisia – by promoting and organizing mobility flows for students and staff.

Partner Portuguese Universities:

1.      Universidade do Minho– UMinho (Coordinator Institution)

2.      Universidade do Algarve– UAlg

3.      Universidade Nova de Lisboa– UNL

4.      Universidade do Porto– UPORTO

5.      Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro– UTAD

Mobility Details:

·         Mobility Duration: 5 days of teaching/training + 2 days travel

·         Financial Support:

o   Stay Allowance: 120 ERU/ day

o   Contribution for Travel: 530 ERU.

Eligibility Criteria:

–          The applicant must have a contractual relationship with IUG

–          Good command in  English Language

Required Documents:

1.      Copy of the passport (or other identification document)

2.      Curriculum Vitae, using the Europass format

3.      Certificates of language skills (compulsory, if required by the host institution);

4.      Letter of Motivation (maximum one page), explaining the reasons for the application, specific competences, academic interests, professional experience, commitment to return to the country of origin and benefits that the mobility grant will bring to the candidate and its context;

5.      Proof of contractual relationship with IUG;

6.      Preliminary work plan signed by the parties involved. You must uses the form uploaded JAMIES Project website .

7.      Have established prior contact with University of Minho.

How to apply?

–          All applications must be submitted online no later than the 15th November, 2017 using the application form provided on the site

–          Teaching and non-teaching staff who wish to carry out a mobility period under the JAMIES must submit their application online, using the form available on the website –

 Information and Support:

Do not hesitate to get in touch with the External Relations

via email at: [email protected]

or on the internal phone number: 1016


External Relations- IUG